
SEMA 2016

SEMA 2016

As always, SEMA did not disappoint this year. Like last year, we closed the shop two weekdays just to go. We also got a lot of questions about SEMA and I also saw a post on Facebook that said something like "Am I the only car enthusiast who doesn't care about SEMA?" So I realize that not everyone knows what SEMA is about (because if you have the slightest interest in cars, you should want to go). So before I get into the specifics of our trip, I thought I'd write a little more about the convention. But in summary, SEMA is so much fun because: 1) You get to be in Vegas during the week, 2) You get to talk and listen to industry leaders, vendors, celebrities 3) You get to grab or win free crap or buy cool tools with SEMA discounts, 4) You get to see beautiful and not-so-beautiful cars, and 5) Vegas buffets.